i speak fish

and other delicacies

Thursday, January 22, 2009


Lasting Impressions or; maybe, maybe, just maybe so.

a hardened artery circumvents finger tips

Stalagmites staggering



a gravity in reverse

we leave prints which (that)

slowly diminish the concept of

Ever Last

as though the idea of ‘What Sticks?’

needn’t go beyond Honey and tape

as though lasting imprint is nothing more than

the remnants of your palm resting against newsprint

If my pen stroke is weighted:

my letters read like

physical map face.

G’s ape gulfs and gorges

the blank page reads as the Sea of C’s contemplating Deltas. Receding.

washed away shore lines

my verse fades in direct sun or rainfall

“Birth, Something”

Oh, but my offspring (be it hat or child)

is just as fallible as me;

subject to tears & (heartache)

pulled string or vanishing semblance

I saw my name on pages in a book

I saw Art carve the book into Buddha face

What part stays?

Surely, when I run my footsteps follow but

like echoes softening off or

reincarnating, re-allotting

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