Hefty and valuable advice especially upon the launch of my own blog. I don't know exactly what I want to do with this, what I want to say, who exactly this is intended for, how much I can really divulge. Perhaps I will learn how to make a quiche or use those circular knitting needles or, relay my awkward mindless stories, or, who knows, change the world? (bah!)
The question isn't so much how to keep others engaged while reading this, but how to keep myself. Blogs are self reflective and self indulgent, which as, my brother's girlfriend Kat, of missunderestima
This post, in and of itself, is exactly what I am talking about. A self conscience examination of what exactly I'M thinking. You must make something for yourself before even considering making it for other people. It must resonate with you first before you can truly let it be explored by alien eyes.
So where do we start?
I live in Brooklyn. I work in Manhattan. Everything is changing every second.
when we lived
nothing was stable
everything was malleable
we were flight-takers.
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